Guests staying in any room, suite or other lodging option at the resort, except a Two-bedroom Villa, can take home two (2) suitcases of freshly cleaned laundry. Guests staying in a Two-bedroom Villa can take home four (4) suitcases of freshly cleaned laundry
Savings of 15% on Food & Beverage service
Savings of 15% on Laundry service
Savings of 15% on Sports & Recreation Activities
Scheduled indoor/outdoor recreational activities for adults and children
Complimentary in-room wired Internet and Wi-Fi access
Terms and Conditions
A minimum stay of fourteen (14) consecutive nights is required.
Rates are subject to the applicable taxes and service charges.
Full prepayment is required to guarantee the booking.
The “Take Home a Suitcase of Clean, Fresh Laundry” offer requires prior arrangement. Laundry will be collected before 10am one day prior to departure from the hotel. This offer does not include dry cleaning. A discount of 15% will be applied to all laundry over this limit.
Savings on food and beverage service cannot be applied to in-room dining and mini-bar charges.
Savings on laundry service cannot be applied to dry cleaning.
Savings on recreational activities cannot be applied to services provided through Scotty’s Dive Center.
This offer cannot be availed in conjunction with other promotions.