Breakfast is an integral part of any trip, business or leisure. The modern way of travel, has introduced several accommodation options that do not necessarily include a 'bed & breakfast' service. You can choose to stay in an Airbnb or even book a hotel on a room-only basis, to save money before your trip.
However, the truth is that you can’t avoid breakfast, especially during holidays when your only concern is 'what to eat and what to see'. To help you enjoy the most out of your trip, TBI presents four inspirational ways to eat amazing breakfast, without spending a fortune.
1. Carefully review your options
When searching for a hotel to stay, you will notice that most of the hotels offer room-only and breakfast-included rates. If you are thinking of going with the room-only option, you should first review the destination and search for nearby places around the hotel, that could potentially serve your daily breakfast. Make sure to look deeper during your research, since some places (especially at popular destinations) could be really pricey, even for breakfast!
If you can’t find a decent breakfast spot nearby, then you should consider going for the bed & breakfast option. This will evidently save you money when you are actually at the destination.
2. Cook your own breakfast
This is by far the most efficient way to cut your breakfast budget in half, especially if you are staying in a rental apartment or an Airbnb. No matter which country or continent you are visiting, it is certain that you will find much lower prices in local supermarkets and grocery stores.
Buy some bread, ham, cheese, cherry tomatoes and lettuce, and you have a nutritious breakfast that will keep you full for the rest of the day. Milk & cereals are also a great choice, as are bottled fresh juices and energy bars.
Since you are at the supermarket, make sure to pick up some water as well. This will come in handy, not only at your apartment, but also in your bag. Keep in mind that water can be really pricey — especially in major European cities.
3. Eat breakfast like a local
Nobody knows better the best places to eat breakfast, than the locals. This is a tip that you should keep in mind for every meal of the day. Find those hidden breakfast venues and ignore the reviews for once in your life. After all, reviews are usually written by tourists, and this is not we are looking for here.
If you don’t know any locals and you are too shy to ask a stranger on the street, ask your hotel. Especially if you are staying in a small, family-run hotel, the host will definitely recommend a couple of places to enjoy a sumptuous, traditional breakfast at a really low cost.
4. Visit a local bakery
Enjoy a sumptuous breakfast with muffins, croissants, cinnamon rolls, oat bars & more, by paying a visit at your hotel’s nearby bakery. Of course, you can also take little snacks with you in case you feel hungry before your next meal.
Today’s modern bakeries sell, in addition to pastries, several characteristic breakfast or brunch dishes, like poached eggs and pancakes. We recommend you visiting the more traditional and hidden bakeries, for extra budget holidays!
Since you have now managed to reduce your breakfast budget, there is no excuse to not buying gifts and souvenirs for your family and friends. Or that amazing piece of clothing you have seen in that store. Or enjoy a ridiculously expensive dinner. Or do anything else you want. It’s your money, after all!
Hotels that TBI has recommends for an amazing Breakfast Experience!