Eating right while traveling is not easy – some say it’s impossible. But we’ll leave the pessimists aside for this one. Follow these ten clever tips to eat healthy when traveling for a smooth journey. Keep it fresh, and you’ll dodge extra pounds, digestive problems, or worse, getting sick. There’s nothing crueler than a ruined voyage by food poisoning. Sure, nobody says you should abstain from pleasure eating entirely, but you’ll have to plan your moves a little bit. Anticipate your cravings and strategize around.
Pack a “first-aid” kit
Traveling can make your digestive system sensible. Mainly due to sitting down in the same position for prolonged periods. Make sure you have some probiotic supplements and some active carbon with you, just in case. Throw some peppermint and ginger for your gut health, too. The idea is to prevent and not to cure, but not having some quick remedies can be just as bad.
There are nutritionists, dieticians, and healthcare professionals who can make suggestions based on your health status and eating habits. Furthermore, NSBroker employees during their travels with a help of various medical services have a comprehensive list of supplementation compiled fit for their traveling needs by investigating industry-leading first aid suppliers.
Eat light before you fly

Flying on a full stomach can be disastrous. Eat lightly before take-off because you’re going to hate yourself if you don’t. Avoid meats, fats, dairy, and generally hard meals. Alternatively, choose a vegetable soup, rice, or anything that you know your body digests without a problem. Sitting slows the metabolism, and you’ll digest slower than usual. The high altitude doesn’t help – neither the shared restroom. Play it smart.
Avoid plane food
You’ve eaten lightly before boarding, but now you’re hungry again. What now? Munch on everything the stewardess offers you; don’t. Instead, bring some healthy snacks, and you’ve solved the problem.
Consider pretzels, baby carrots, mixed nuts, dried fruit, vegetable chips, edamame, and olives. Admittedly, it might seem a little preppy for some, but you’ll be amazed at how effective this strategy is. Even when going out, keep some snacks with you, so you never go hungry. An empty stomach will result in bad gastronomical decisions.
Have complex carbs after landing
Ground yourself to earth by eating a caloric, but dietetic meal of complex carbohydrates. Your digestive system is still moony from the jet lag. Consider meals based on potatoes, rice, pasta, hominy, peas, beans, or whole grains. Your nervous system will also benefit from wholesome foods by relaxing your muscles and calming your mind.
Drink lots of water

Few people drink enough water a day. It helps with a lot of bodily functions, including aiding digestion. Remember the “8 by 8” rule: eight glasses of eight ounces of water per day.
Keeping hydrated speeds up your metabolism, protects your kidneys, and gets the stomach acids going. According to European research, you should avoid drinking cold beverages. Cold water before or during a meal can harden the oils and create fat deposits in the intestine. Instead, go with room-temperature, or better yet, warm water. In any case, staying hydrated is one of the most important nutritional requirements. It’s also the most overlooked. So, drink up, and thank yourself later.
Eat plant-based meals
Keep meats and dairy to a minimum if you want to play it safe. This isn’t to say that plant-based foods can’t upset your stomach. However, the incidence is much lower. Citing scientific studies, they’re also the best option for your digestive tract, skin, heart, and overall health, not to mention its anti-inflammatory proprieties. And keep in mind that the swelling of the tissues favors digestive problems. Stick to fresh, antioxidative foods such as leafy greens, nuts, fruits, beans, seeds, complex carbs, grains, and cereals.
Avoid sugar and fried foods
Fried foods, in any type of oil, are bad for your stomach. And there’s nothing worse than indigestion because of fried fats. According to investigations, extra virgin oil is the best alternative to frying foods as it’s the most stable of all oils. Keep a vigil eye against trans or saturated fats and partially hydrogenated oils.
On the same note, avoid sugar, especially processed sweets. Not only will they add crazy calories, but they’ll also upset your stomach. Consider skipping dessert and go straight to coffee. Add a teaspoon of brown sugar, and you’re better off a thousand times. Then again, maybe order a fresh fruit Macedonia if you can’t go without dessert.
Ask for dressings on the side

When you’re eating out, ask for sauces on the side. This way, you’ll have some more control over how much you eat. Most often, it’s not the food that’s the problem, but the dressings. They’re caloric, fatty, and hinder smooth digestion. Also, try to choose tomato-based sauces over cheesy creams.
Order gradually
Speaking of restaurants, try to order your food progressively. People tend to sit down on an empty stomach and order everything together: appetizer, second appetizer, first, starter, main course, pre-dessert, and dessert. Start slowly.
Chew thoroughly
The last tip on our list is maybe an essential aspect of how we should eat. Make sure you chew a mouthful at least two dozen times. It’s not just the chewing that helps digestion, but the saliva. Research proved the many benefits of saliva, including breaking down the meals we consume. Even the heaviest foods won’t give you any problems if you chew enough and let your saliva do the work.
Travelling can fatigue our bodies, particularly the stomach. It’s imperative to plan and anticipate your food needs. Always keep some digestive supplements around, drink lots of water, and carry some healthy snacks with you. Focus on eating plant-based foods. Stir away from fatty and sugary meals, and order food with your mind and not your gut. Remember to chew thoroughly and you should be all set. Happy travels!