Greek people strongly believe that no matter how difficult the dish you wish to make is, if you do it with love, then it will be a success. Truly, Greek cuisine belongs among the best representatives of the Mediterranean culinary tradition and the ingredients in the majority of the dishes are very few and simple. So, is there a better season to visit Greece than in Christmas?
Oh, Christmas... the time of the year when everyone puts on a big smile and is getting ready to welcome the new year. Greek cuisine is also enriched in Christmas with recipes bursting from the Christmas spirit. Here are the three most popular Greek Christmas desserts:

Certainly the best type of Greek cookies, Melomakarona are established as the dessert beacon of Christmas. Bakeries serve these delicious cookies only in Christmas, so for many they kind of introduce Christmas holidays. Melomakarona are made from flour, olive oil, and honey. After they are cooked, they are dipped in hot syrup made with honey and sugar, and in the end, they are decorated with ground pieces of walnut. The more modern version of Melomakarona includes a layer of dark chocolate while melomakarona stuffed with figs are now trending.
But before we keep exploring the Greek Christmas delicacies, let's discover a unique Hotel Collection about "The top hotels in Greece for amazing winter holidays!"

Kourabiedes is the 2nd most popular Christmas dessert in Greece though the original recipe doesn't originate from there. Kourabiedes is an alteration of Qurabiya, which is a shortbread-type biscuit usually made with ground almonds. In addition to the original recipe, Kourabiedes are also flavored with either brandy, vanilla, mastika or rose water and they are shaped into crescents. In the end, they are sprinkled with icing sugar. There Greeks could go on for hours comparing kourabiedes with melomakarona!

Even though Diples is a dessert that you can find all time of the year, Greek people seem to be more interested in that dessert during Christmas holidays. Diples is dough rolled into long, thin strips, fried and folded in hot oil and then immersed in syrup. Traditionally, warm honey is used instead of syrup, and they are covered with chopped nuts and cinnamon.
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